Creating a new text template

Start choosing Templates from the menu 

Select the zone where the template will be added and add a new template with➕-button

The template contains two elements; background image and template layout. With template layout you can set the type and colour of the fonts and the size and place of the elements. The same layout can be use with different templates by changing the background image.

Adding a new text template

Saved template can be added to displays from the PLUS -button

Adding a new template layout

Click ➕ to add a new template layout

Note! You can use existing layout and only add a new background image or you can make changes to layout by clicking ✎

1. General settings

2. Available elements

You can add different elements to the template layout. Element boxes specify the location and maximum size of each element on the layout. To one layout you can add header, image, to text blocks and clock. The header is always mandatory, other elements are optional.

3. Element setting

Click the element to adjust the settings 

Note! If you add  a lot text to the template, the text will be scale to fit to the text block size

Default text can be added to the layout and it is shown when template is used to add content to displays. Replace Lorem ipsum with your own texts.

Remember to save the changes by clicking apply

4. Finalizing