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With the MediaCloud content management tool, you can update content on digital screens, manage background music, soundscapes and announcements, monitor devices and automate content production.

MediaCloud main view

Frequently asked questions

What contents can I add to the screens?

You can add e.g. images, videos, pdf files, content widgets, ready-made templates, web content, feeds and social media content:






Tip! Add pictures and videos in Full HD format (resolution 1920x1080) and in the same aspect ratio as the screen (aspect ratio for horizontal screens: 16:9 and 9:16 for vertical screens). In this case, the content is displayed correctly on the screen. See more tips here.

Problems with user account

Your email address serves as your username (for example,

You can change a new password from the user settings in the upper right corner. If you have forgotten your password, order a new password on the login page.

Screen is bacl but media player is online

Check that:


Having problems? FirstView Support is open Mon to Fri from 8 am to 4 pm at and for urgent matters by phone at 050 380 7983.

In problem situations, describe the problem as precisely as possible and attach the device IDs and, for example, pictures of the problem to the e-mail, so that we can solve the problem as quickly as possible.

All devices supplied by FirstView have a 3-year devuce warranty. Please note that the device warranty does not cover possible maintenance and/or shipping costs.