Add and manager users

Add and manage users through Users and access management tab

Add a new user 

Add a new users with ➕ button.

Add name of user and and email address, which is also the username when login. Select language and expiry date if necessary (by default, user have access until the account is deleted)

Select users access level from the drop-down menu and select the organizations or zones that the users is going to manage, and move them as administrable with green arrow. Finally save changes

After saving, user will receive an email to set a password and activate the account. The email also contains instructions how to use the MediaCloud.

Editing users

Select the user from the drop-down menu and click ✎ -icon. User can be deleted by clicking 🗑 -icon.

Reset password
Reset password Sends an email to the user for setting a new password

Report lost client
User will receive status reports by email if the zones displays loose the network connection. More information here

Use the arrows to move or remove users access to zones or organizations. User access level can be changed from the drop-down menu. Click save to apply the changes


If the user email address changes, create a new user account and delete the old one